Last Entry
Greetings, earthlings! An important announcement here.
Noticed the title of this blog post? Yeah, you got that right. This is something of a farewell post actually. So yes, I won't be blogging here anymore but no, I won't stop blogging for good. Not anytime soon, I think.
I'm simply moving to another planet, so to speak. I'm hoping those of you who have been visiting this blog will also visit me there.
The new blog will be located at
Yup, I got me my own domain now. I'm moving all my stuff there and that will be my new home. Although it is still under renovation, it is really starting to feel good already :)
So for my latest blog posts about comics, music, books, movies, events, reviews, previews, interviews and everything else that I could come up with, just point your browser over my new location. Feel free to leave your traces too (comments, as they call it) if you like.
Hope to see you there! :)